Wednesday, 31 August 2011


Have you ever had a conversation with a woman friend of yours as you normally do, conducting yourself in the normal animated way that you do, and all of a sudden this dear she-mate of yours snapped, telling you exactly how she felt about your childish insensitive ways, and walked away? Leaving you confused, wondering what it is you said that nearly got your head bitten off?
Or even worse have you ever taken your girlfriend out to an emotional movie, and she started crying and crying and crying and crying....
Doesn't that confuse you? I know it's emotional, but damn girl? It's just a movie calm down.
I've never been able to cry in any movie. The only time I ever cried during a movie was when I watched Hancock, and that was because I had paid R40 for a movie in Rosebank, and about the same price for coke and pop corn for a crap movie. I had to cry, 80 BUCKS wasted, on a student budget nogal. Emotional stuff I tell you.
And have you ever wondered why it is that women spend all their lives getting emotionally involved with soapies. Look I know there is a minority of men who watch soapies but we can all agree that this minority are men who watch because their ruthless wives/girlfriends force them, or because they are men who do not have DSTV and cannot bring themselves to watch a channel with an ol' Afrikaans man commentating on mating lions, so soapies it is.
But even these men don't get as emotionally involved as our sisters. Women get angry at the television screen, you find them swearing at the soapy character that stole the other ladies man. Have you ever walked in on a lady passionately involved in the scene, as if she was the one being cheated on? "Ngabe yimi bengiyo'mthela ngamanzi ashisayo" (If it was me I would pour boiling water on him).
I remember once at my friends place, watching something called the Bold and The Beautiful where Ridge Forrester's father left the mother for a blonde lady who once dated Ridge (the son). At the sight of this my friends' mother who was sitting right across from her husband underwent a transformation of facial expression, she evolved from her usual nice courteous self to a deadly look on her face and said 'Hayi mina ngingambulala, NYA!!! (I would kill him dead), I spotted a drop of sweat from my friends dad...I could tell he would never cheat on his wife, at least not with his sons girlfriend.
As we celebrate Women's Month, I would like celebrate women, I would like to send a shout out to all women and say thank you.
Thank you for dumping us when were really getting into the relationship and seeing you as our wife!
Thank you for ordering things that we cannot afford at the restaurant and acting like you didn't know it was expensive!
Thank you for coming to our parties and saving us from the normal father's day celebrations that plague all men!!
Thank you for tricking us into relationships with your small waists and then letting yourself go three months into the relationships.
But most of all thanks for being you. Contrary to popular belief we like you as you are, there is a certain charm to your existence that makes us want more of you. We like your company and your different points of view, it is in the difference that we find balance, reason and progression.
We don't want competition from you, all we want is for you to be the best you that you can be.
If there is any way we can help please let us know and if we are making it a bit too hard for you call us to the side and let us know. We love you ladies... NO-HOMO.
P.S. Rugby season is coming up, soapies can wait!

-Simon Mtsuki

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