Wednesday, 31 August 2011




What state is Witbank really in through the eyes of its young citizens?  Is it all about potholes, power cuts, water cuts, partying and church?  We here at Shisa Nyama set out to find that out through surveys sent to various young bloods of Witbank to see what they like, what is it that they are doing for themselves and the city.


We all know of the chronic problems Witbank faces at the municipality, we may not have a billing crisis but other areas of service delivery are definitely in crisis.  A mammoth crisis at that, a week doesn't go by without complaints about the power, water, roads or should I say driving across the moon's surface on a daily basis.  Who needs NASA when you've got a drive through Witbank to navigate.  This definitely contributes  to a negative perception about the city.  Naturally  it should,  it raises various issues about what is really being done about these issues.  Are the head honchos at the municipality another typical breed of ANC cadre who are out to milk the city for all its worth?  It would be naive not to think so.  We should mobilise our rights as citizens to raise our voices for what we think is definitely not right with our city.


On the flipside there is positive sentiment emanating from the young of this city.  We all have a vision of the way we'd like to fix the ills of Witbank.  The obvious ills as stated above are top of the list of everyone's to do list if they were offered the opportunity of being mayor for a day.  If we all have this vision, why does the municipality not listen to the youth?  Well this is because the youth is not involved that much in their community.  Involvement can be broken down to a weekly service at Cappello on Saturday followed by the cleansing of sins the next day at various churches that have mushroomed around Witbank.  We complain but we are doing nothing about it.  Are we not being heard?  Are we as timid as mice or do we simply not care?


Like the world over, we are progressive in our thoughts, embracing various media through the internet.   Facebook, Twitter, blogs, magazines, you name it, we are reading it, we are tweeting and updating it on Facebook by the minute, nevermind the hour.  The Middle East Spring fires were lit on social networks.  We have the power through the internet to make our voices heard.  Lets stand up and be counted and not shout from the top of the hills like a certain president.  We are the future custodians of this gifted city.




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